Enter the desired search criteria, and click Save Search.Go to the BASIC > Search page, and in the Standard tab, click Advanced.

Log into the Barracuda Message Archiver.Use the following steps to set up a Saved Search retention policy. Once enabled, the Saved Search policies are run against archived messages weekly on Friday night. To run Saved Search retention policies against archived messages, turn on Allow automatic message deletion. Litigation holds overwrite Saved Search and Global Retention Policies a litigation hold may be for a defined period of time or indefinite. If you define multiple Saved Search retention policies, if the age of any message exceeds the maximum age allowed by all Saved Search retention policies that apply to the message, that message is permanently deleted form the Barracuda Message Archiver. Messages that match the specified Saved Search are permanently removed from the Barracuda Message Archiver when the age of the message exceeds the specified Saved Search policy length. Note that before you can create a Saved Search retention policy, you must create at least one Saved Search in the BASIC > Search > Advanced Search page. You can define a retention policy based on a Saved Search to automatically delete archived messages from the Barracuda Message Archiver. In the Policy Length field, enter the number of days to retain any archived message.Verify that the Allow automatic message deletion option is set to Yes.To configure the Global Retention Policy: When retention policies are run against the archived messages ( weekly on Friday night), any messages stored on the Barracuda Message Archiver that are older than this age are deleted unless they match an existing Saved-Search policy. The Global Retention Policy applies to every archived message. To enable or disable the automatic message expiration, set the Allow automatic message deletion option to Yes or No. The Global Retention Policy setting does not apply to any messages that match a Saved-Search retention policy. Select the messages to remove, right-click and click Delete to permanently delete the messages from the repository.If the age of any message exceeds the maximum age allowed by all Saved-Search retention policies that apply to the message, that message is permanently deleted from the Barracuda Message Archiver.Right-click the modified search, and click Run.Go to Status criteria, and turn on Search Recycle Bin.The selected messages are moved to the Recycle bin. Select the messages to remove, right-click and click Delete.An indication of the number of messages returned displays.In the pop-up dialog that displays at the end of the search, click View summary to review the search results.Right-click the new search, and click Run.Under Status criteria, select Search items archived by ArchiveOne Enterprise (Compliance).Select the user mailboxes where you want to delete archived messages.
#Barracuda mail archiver stuck cancelling job archive#
Use the steps in the article Configure Search Criteria to create a new archive search, with the following changes: Note the size of the repositories containing the archived messages for the mailbox users you intend to delete, and then, after performing the steps in this article, refresh the repositories screen and compare the total size difference to determine if the deletion captured all of the expected messages.